Shipping Restrictions
Import Restrictions
animal products and substances animal bristles and hair agricultural products beer, wine and spirits bees, leeches and silkworms cereal grains chemical or allied industries products coffee coins, banknotes, securities cocoa preparations computers and parts cosmetics cultural assets electronics electronic cigarettes dairy products (including eggs) fertilizer flies of the family Drosophilidae foodstuffs hair hides and skins, raw iron, steel lamps medical instruments and parts mineral products milk paper and paper-board pasta products containing eggs parasites and destroyers of noxious insects pharmaceutical products plant, plant seeds and plant products plastic kitchenware rough diamonds sugar and confectionery textile products, clothing tobacco / tobacco products toys used hives used oil vegetable products waste weapons wood wool. Meat, meat products, poultry and poultry products, milk and milk products must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate from the country of origin.
Prohibited Items
In addition to items considered non-mailable matter, the following are prohibited: absinth alcoholic beverages aluminum powder or dust arms and ammunition, including replica toys (toy weapons) base metals certain carcinogenic substances certain Chemicals subject to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) chemicals chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) coins and medals counterfeit items, including dies and plates for manufacture counterfeit or pirated goods dairy produce, birds eggs, natural honey DDT and products containing DDT dry vine wood electrical machinery and parts fibers: Crocidolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Actinolite, Tremolite subject to the Rotterdam Convention fish flesh of dogs, cats, foxes, badgers and monkeys flick and Gravity Knives; knives with blades that open automatically by operation of a spring device, or released by gravity or centrifugal force. goods bearing false origin statements goods infringing a copyright / trade mark imitation and pirated products liquids with above 82% alcohol listening devices lithium batteries and devices containing lithium batteries live or dead plants methyl alcohol natural or cultured pearls offensive Weapons; belt buckle knives, death stars, throwing stars, and martial arts equipment, Pepper and similar sprays printed matter, videos & sound recordings of an offensive nature pharmaceuticals for animals photographic articles used to counterfeit coins and documents precious or semi precious stones printed matter, video and sound recordings salt, sulphur, earth and stone some mineral products video games.
Document Restrictions
The destination country or territory classifies the following items as document shipments. The items must be of no commercial value. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet the criteria to classify as a document shipment. To prove the document character of a shipment, a pro forma invoice is required for shipments of 10 kg and above. Airline Tickets Validated airline tickets only Annual Reports Must be for shareholders or for intercompany use only. Bids Blueprints Must be for intercompany use or a bid invitation (such as architectural plans to obtain a contract inside the European Union) and have no commercial value. Brochures Must be non-commercial brochures or for intercompany use only Business Cards Document limit: up to 15 business cards Checks Must be personalized checks Credit Cards Personalized credit cards Diplomas Drivers License Event Tickets Tickets for events like stage performances, football matches or concerts can be sent as documents. Event tickets coming from a printing company and sent to the organizer of the event or ticket sales offices can not be sent as documents. Gift Cards Plastic magnetic cards (similar to credit cards) with a specific value assigned/debited to the card to purchase food, goods, or other merchandise typically relating to only one specific business or retailer. Only up to 5 gift cards can be considered documents Greeting Cards, Invitations Must be personalized to be considered documents. Non-personalized greeting cards and invitations are considered non-documents and require an invoice. Manuals (Technical) The number of manuals must be appropriate for the purpose and not be of commercial character. Negatives Must be negatives, slides, or printing films being sent to press or publishing agencies. If the value includes press or editorial charges, the items are considered non-documents and require an invoice. Newsletters (Company) Document: intercompany shipments for intercompany use with no commercial value Non-document: shipments from a publisher or printing company Newspapers Must be for non-commercial purposes Stationery Must be personalized stationery and have no commercial value. The amount (number of pieces) must be appropriate for non-commercial use. Traveler's Checks Must be personalized to be considered documents. Visa Applications
Persons sending their personal effects separately can import their personal effects without duty and VAT. For non EU residents please see information under 'Temporary Relocation'. For EU residents returning from a journey into a non EU country or territory the luggage can be imported without paying duty and VAT. The facilitation is limited to the used items for personal use only. For items bought abroad duties and taxes apply. Customs may inspect and check the goods. Commodities otherwise restricted or prohibited (for example, medicine, food supplements) cant be shipped within luggage. Additional documents required to be presented by the consignee are: Proof of stay abroad (for example, flight ticket, hotel bills) Passport copy A detailed list of items with their values Temporary Relocation Persons relocating temporarily (for example, studying at a university) can import their personal effects without paying duty and VAT. The duty and VAT exemption is limited to personal items but can include new items for personal use. For high value goods a security deposit for the amount of potential duty and VAT might be raised by customs and will be refunded when returning to the home country or territory. Additional documents required to be presented by the consignee are: Confirmation of the University stating that the person is enrolled at the University or employer contract Detailed list of items with their values Personal effects may experience delays in time in transit Accessorial charges may apply.
Non-document shipments to Germany must include 1 original and 2 copies of an invoice. Every shipment (commercial, samples, gifts, repair, return) requires an invoice which shows the realistic market price of the commodity. Shipments with unrealistic low merchandise value may be delayed. Where Incoterms applied, this should include the city shipped to, for example DDP Berlin where shipped Free Domicile. This will help to avoid clearance delays. Shipments of documents do not require an invoice. The consignee's telephone number is required on the invoice for shipments to private individuals with a value above 22.00 EUR. The consignee's mobile number and e-mail address should also appear on the invoice if available. A list has been published in the 'Guidelines on acceptable and unacceptable terms for the description of goods for exit and entry summary declarations': acceptable_goods_description_guidelines_en.pdf
Duties & Taxes
Non-commercial consignments worth more than 45 euros, and all commercial consignments are subject to import tax. Simplified calculation of charges A simplified calculation of charges by means of a flat rate of duty may be applied where goods subject to import tax are sent in occasional consignments by natural persons from areas that are not part of the Community customs territory or the island of Heligoland, are sent free of payment to another natural person, and are exclusively intended for the personal use or consumption of the consignee or his family, and the value of which does not exceed 700 euros. Where these conditions are not given, or if you reject the flat-rate approach, the amount of taxes and duties shall be calculated on the basis of the customs tariff and the relevant individual tax regimes - a procedure known as the "tariff-based recovery". The flat rate of duty is set at 17.5 percent of the product value. A reduced rate of only 15 percent ad valorem is charged on goods for which specific tariff concessions - known as preferences - have been granted. Also, for certain goods special flat rates of duty shall be applied. These rates comprise the whole range of charges to be recovered on the products concerned, that is customs duty, excise and import VAT. The flat rate of duty can not be applied in the case of beer. Here, the charges shall be calculated on the basis of the applicable customs tariff rates and the Beer Tax Act.
To view more information, please click here: Duties & Taxes